Liuying Luyuan Mortuary Area
Funeral Parlor location
Telephone number: (06) 6226961
No. 35, Sec. 1, Liuying Road, Liuying District, Tainan City (No. 1 Provincial Highway)
Crematorium location
No. 60, Sec. 1, Liuying Road, Liuying District, Tainan City (No. 1 Provincial Highway)
Liuying Luyuan Mortuary Area location map
※No. 1 National Highway
→ Northbound: Exit at the Madou Jiali Interchange
→ Head towards Guantian
→ Take the No. 1 Provincial Highway and make a left
→ Head towards Xinying, to the 292 to 293 km mark
※No. 1 National Highway
→ Southbound: Exit at the Xinying Yanshui Interchange
→ Head towards Xinying Take
→ a right onto the Liuying Bypass Road
→ Take the No. 1 Provincial Highway and make a right
→ Head towards Guantian to the 292 to 293 km mark